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A worldwide genus of small to medium sized salticids. Many species are
holarctic (ammophilus, cutleri, fasciger, finschi, lineolatus, palustris,
pubescens, striatus and possible sylvestris) and at least some are clearly
introduced from the Old World (ammophilus, fasciger, pubescens). The remaining
species are smaller and with a short embolus; they appear more closely
allied with neotropical groups.

For more information and links to the species, go to Sitticus in the Tree of Life.
References most relevant to species north of Mexico: Proszynski (1968),Proszynski (1971),Proszynski (1973),Proszynski (1980).
Brown or gray salticids with long fourth legs and lacking any teeth on the retromargin of the cheliceral fang furrow.Compare to:
Varied, depending on species.