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Sepiolina Naef, 1912

Sepiolina petasus Kubodera and Okutani, 2011

Tsunemi Kubodera and Richard E. Young
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Containing group: Heteroteuthinae


Sepiolina petasus is known from two male specimens, one mature (holotype) and the other nearly mature (paratype).  The paratype was taken in the same tow with with six Sepiolina nipponensis. The holotype was taken in an adjoining station. The new species was first recognized by its more elongate shape:
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Figure. Of these Sepiolina specimens captured together, the S. petasus seems more slender. Photograph modified from Kubodera and Okutani, 2011.

Brief diagnosis:

A Sepiolina with ...



Most morphological characteristics are similar to those of S. nipponensis as indicated by the following image:

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Figure. Oral view of S. petasus, holotype. Photograph modified from Kubodera and Okutani (2011).

At present the only morphological distinctive feature of S. petasus is its slender mantle. The ratio of ML to MW in S. petasus is 58% in the holotype and 53% in the paratype; for S. nipponensis the ratio is 79-99%.

The genetic distance between S. petatsus and S. nipponensis for the mtDNA COI sequences was 3.48%. This compared to differences between S. petasus and Stoloteuthis japonica of 7.69%; between S. petasus and Heteroteuthis ryukyuensis of 7.51%; between S. petasus and Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis of 10.81% and between S. petasus and Stoloteuthis leucoptera of 9.16% (Kubodera and Okutani, 2011). Groenenberg et al. (2009) found cryptic sister species of Sepiola atlantica, that could not be separated morphologically were separated by a 3.5% minimum sequence divergence with the COI gene (Kubodera and Okutani, 2011).


S. petasus is known only from the region of the type locality near Kume-shima Island, Okinawa Islands at 25°48'N, 126°31'E. Specimens were captured in bean trawls fishing on the sea foor at 563-565 m and 372-375 m depth.

Other Names for Sepiolina petasus Kubodera and Okutani, 2011


Kubodera, T. and T. Okutani. 2011. New additions of luminous bobtail squids to the Japanese cephalopod fauna (Sepiolida: Sepiolidae: Heteroteuthinae). Venus, 69 (3-4): 145-161.

Groenenberg, D. S. J., Goud, J., Heiji, A. D. & Gittenberger, E. 2009. Molecular phylogeny of North Sea

Sepiolinae (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) reveals an overlooked Sepiola species. Journal of Molluscan

Studies 75: 361–369.

Title Illustrations
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Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Scientific Name Sepiolina petasus
Reference Modified from: Kubodera, T. and T. Okutani. 2011. New additions of luminous bobtail squids to the Japanese cephalopod fauna (Sepiolida: Sepiolidae: Heteroteuthinae). Venus, 69 (3-4): 145-161.
Identified By T. Kubodera and T. Okutani
Sex Male
Life Cycle Stage Mature
View Ventral (left), dorsal (right)
Size 26.4 mm ML
Collection National Science Museum, Tokyo, NSMT-Mo 75590
Type Holotype
Copyright © Tsunemi Kubodera
About This Page

Tsunemi Kubodera
National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan

Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

Page: Tree of Life Sepiolina Naef, 1912. Sepiolina petasus Kubodera and Okutani, 2011. Authored by Tsunemi Kubodera and Richard E. Young. The TEXT of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - Version 3.0. Note that images and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own license, and they may or may not be available for reuse. Click on an image or a media link to access the media data window, which provides the relevant licensing information. For the general terms and conditions of ToL material reuse and redistribution, please see the Tree of Life Copyright Policies.

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Kubodera, Tsunemi and Richard E. Young. 2015. Sepiolina Naef, 1912. Sepiolina petasus Kubodera and Okutani, 2011. Version 04 November 2015 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Sepiolina_petasus/149656/2015.11.04 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/

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