Plesiolycoptera daqingensis
Guo-Qing Li and Mark V. H. Wilson
†Plesiolycoptera (Zhang and Zhou, 1976) is named on the basis of two incomplete specimens in a drill core from the Daqing Oil-Field, northeastern China. Correlation of the rock layer yielding †Plesiolycoptera suggests an early Late Cretaceous age for the specimens (Zhang and Zhou, 1976). The poor preservation of the specimens means that conclusions about them must be tentative.
†Plesiolycoptera is characterized by:
- Frontal bone much longer in comparison with that in other genera of the Hiodontiformes.
- Premaxillary bone small.
- Head length to head depth ratio about 1.2.
- Vertebrae about 41-42.
- Principal dorsal-fin rays 11.
- Dorsal pterygiophores 11.
- Principal anal fin rays 20.
- Anal pterygiophores 22.
Li G.-Q. and Wilson, M. V. H. (in press): Early divergence of Hiodontiformes sensu stricto in East Asia and phylogeny of some Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous teleosts from China. In: ARRATIA, G. (ed.): Mesozoic Fishes - Systematics and the Fossil Records, pp. 000-000. Verlag Dr. Pfeil, München.
Zhang, M.-M. and Zhou, C.-C. 1976. Discovery of Plesiolycoptera in Songhuajiang-Liaoning Basin and origin of Osteoglossomorpha. Vert. PalAsiat., 14: 146-133. (In Chinese)
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Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing , China
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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- First online 06 October 1998
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Li, Guo-Qing and Mark V. H. Wilson. 1998. Plesiolycoptera. Plesiolycoptera daqingensis. Version 06 October 1998. in The Tree of Life Web Project,