- Erinaceidae (gymnures and hedgehogs)
- Solenodontidae (solenodons)
- Soricidae (shrews)
- Tenrecidae (tenrecs, Madagascar "hedgehogs")
- Talpidae (moles, shrew moles, desmans)
- Chrysochloridae (golden moles) (incertae sedis)
- Adapisoriculidae
- Sespedectidae
- Amphilemuridae
- Adapisoricidae
- Creotarsidae
- Proscalopidae
- Dimylidae
- Otlestidae
- Geolabididae
- Nesophontidae
(West Indian shrews)
- Micropternodontidae
- Apternodontidae
- Plesiosoricidae
- Nyctitheriidae
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Lopez-Fuster, M. J. and J. Ventura. 1997. Anatomical study of the abdominal arterial system in soricids (Insectivora, mammalia): Functional and phylogenetic implications. Anatomical Record 248:142-147.
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McKenna, M. C. and S. K. Bell. 1997. Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level. Columbia University Press, New York.
Merritt, J. F., G. L. Kirkland, Jr., and R. K. Rose (eds.) 1994. Advances in the Biology of Shrews. Special Publication 18. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh.
Mouchaty, S. K., A. Gullberg, A. Janke, and U. Arnason. 2000. The phylogenetic position of the Talpidae within eutheria based on analysis of complete mitochondrial sequences. Molecular Biology and Evolution 17:60-67.
Nikaido, M., Y. Cao, M. Harada, N. Okada and M. Hasegawa. 2003. Mitochondrial phylogeny of hedgehogs and monophyly of Eulipotyphla. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 28(2):276-284.
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Roca, A. L., G. K. Bar-Gal, E. Eizirik, K. M. Helgen, R. Maria, M. S. Springer, S. J. O'Brien, and W. J. Murphy. 2004. Mesozoic origin for West Indian insectivores. Nature 429(6992):649-651.
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Stanhope M. J., V. G. Waddell, O. Madsen, W. W. de Jong, S. B. Hedges, G. C. Cleven, D. Kao, and M. S. Springer. 1998. Highly congruent molecular support for a diverse superordinal clade of endemic African mammals. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9:501-508.
Stanhope M. J., V. G. Waddell, O. Madsen, W. W. de Jong, S. B. Hedges, G. C. Cleven, D. Kao, and M. S. Springer. 1998. Molecular evidence for multiple origins of Insectivora and for a new order of endemic African insectivore mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 95:9967-9972.
Symonds, M. R. E. 1999. Life histories of the Insectivora: the role of phylogeny, metabolism and sex differences. Journal Of Zoology 249:315-337.
Symonds, M. R. E. 2005. Phylogeny and life histories of the ?Insectivora?: controversies and consequences. Biological Reviews 80(1):93-128.
Ventura, J. and M. J. Lopez-Fuster. 1998. The blood supply to the abdominal and pelvic regions in talpids: character analysis and implications for specific relationships among Insectivora. Annales des Sciences Naturelles-Zoologie rt Biologie Animale 19:63-72.
Ventura, J. and M. J. Lopez-Fuster. 1997. Iliac arteries in shrews (Soricidae, Insectivora, Mammalia): Morphology, function and phylogeny. Annales des Sciences Naturelles-Zoologie rt Biologie Animale 18:71-79.
Wójcik, J. M. and M. Wolsan (eds.) 1998. The Evolution of Shrews. Polish Academy of Sciences, Bialowieza.
Information on the Internet
- Order Insectivora. Animal Diversity Web. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.
- Insectivore Specialist Group. IUCN - The World Conservation Union. Species Survival Commission.
- Afrotheria Specialist Group. IUCN - The World Conservation Union. Species Survival Commission.
- European Hedgehog Research Group.
- The Shrew(-ist's) Site. A Contribution to Promote the Investigation of the Biology of the Soricidae (Insectivora - Mammalia).
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Blarina carolinensis |
Location | Durham, North Carolina, USA |
Comments | Found while raking leaves--captured briefly, posed, and released. Identified as Blarina carolinesis based on Webster et al., Mammals of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland. |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Identified By | Patrick Coin |
Source | Southern Short-tailed Shrew |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
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Copyright |
© 2004 Patrick Coin
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