Bembidion argenteolum
David R. MaddisonAdult External Characteristics
Members of this species are large (body length generally over 6 mm), with elytral mirrors on intervals 3 and 5, in some specimens on first five intervals, no distinct mirrors on intervals 6 or 7. Silver spots are restricted to the third interval. The pronotum does not have a long basilateral carina, and is without midlateral seta. Ventroapical setae of protarsomere 4 narrowly separated; lateral projection on male protarsomere 3 lacking.
Comparison with Related Species
Compare with:
Adults may be confused with those of the related species B. alaskense and B. semenovi. In contrast to B. alaskense, B. argenteolum adults are larger and shinier, with silver spots restricted to third interval, and with ventroapical setae of protarsomere 4 narrowly separated. The male genitalia of B. argenteolum is generally larger, straighter, with a less evident ventrolateral bulge than B. alaskense. The only consistent difference noted was in the CSC flagellum, which has a narrower base and less-sinuous dorsal margin than B. alasksense. (B. alaskense and B. argenteolum are similar enough that they may be synonyms; more material needs to be examined from eastern Russia to see if intergrades occur.) B. argenteolum is duller than B. semenovi, with a wider third elytral interval, and without lateral projection on male protarsomere 3.
Distinguished from the sympatric B. velox and B. lapponicum by the lack of midlateral pronotal setae, larger size, and (in some specimens) more distinct mirrors of elytral intervals 4 and 5.
Geographic Distribution
In the west from Ireland, western France and northern Italy, north to Scandinavia, and eastward to the Lena River and Ussuri River regions of Russia.
- Bembidion Argenteolum Ahrens 1812. Type material lost.
- Bembidium azureum Gebler 1833
- Bembidium chalybaeum Sturm 1843
- Bembicidium glabriusculum Motschulsky 1845
- Bembidion argenteolum var. virens Schilsky 1908
Other Names for Bembidion argenteolum
- Bembidion glabriusculum
- Bembidion trifoveolatipennis
- Bembidion virens
- Bembidion azureum
- Bembidion chalybaeum
- Bembidion amethystinum
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Bembidion argenteolum |
Location | Germany: Hamburg |
Sex | Male |
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© 1995 David R. Maddison
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David R. Maddison
Oregon State University
Page copyright © 1995 David R. Maddison
Page: Tree of Life
Bembidion argenteolum
Authored by
. David R. Maddison.
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Maddison, David R. 1995. Bembidion argenteolum in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 01 January 1995 (under construction).