Abralia siedleckyi
Kotaro Tsuchiya and Richard E. YoungIntroduction
A. siedleckyi may be a southern temperate species. It resembles, however, the tropical Pacific A. heminuchalis and they may prove to be the synonymous.
- Tentacle clubs
- Two or three hooks on ventral side.
- Two rows of large suckers on dorsal side of manus.
- Hectocotylus
- Left ventral arm of male hectocotylized.
- Hectocotylus with two different sized off-set flaps: an elongate, proximal flap on ventral margin and much shorter, distal flap on dorsal margin.
- Eye Photophores
- Five complex organs: two terminal, opaque organs and three intermediate silvery organs.
- Posterior opaque organ much larger than others; anterior opaque photophore about the same size as the largest intermediate organ.
- Integumental Photophores
- Arms IV with scattered photophores between the two photophore series (the series on the edge of the lateral memberane constitutes a third series).
- Ventral mantle and head with scattered arrangement of integumental organs.
- Arms IV with scattered photophores between the two photophore series (the series on the edge of the lateral memberane constitutes a third series).
- Mantle apex ("tail")
- Broad and extends well beyond conus of gladius.
- Reproductive structures
- The incomplete nuchal cartilage in an immature female suggests a developing spermatangia receptacle similar in structure to that of A. heminchalis and A. veranyi.Click on an image to view larger version & data in a new window
Figure. Side view of the nuchal cartilage of A. siedleckyi with the mantle folded back, immature female, 30 mm ML. Arrow marks the transition from normal nuchal cartilage (anteriorly) to modified nuchal cartilage posteriorly. Photograph by R. Young.
- The incomplete nuchal cartilage in an immature female suggests a developing spermatangia receptacle similar in structure to that of A. heminchalis and A. veranyi.
Geographical distribution
Information on distribution is scarse. The type locality is off southwest Cape, South Africa at 39°05'S, 13°43'E. A very similar specimen was collected from the southeast coast of Australia.
Lipinski, M. 1983. A description of a new species of enoploteuthid cephalopod, Abralia siedleckyi spec. nov., with some remarks on Abralia redfieldi G. Voss, 1955. Veliger, 25(3):255-265.
Title Illustrations
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Scientific Name | Abralia siedleckyi |
Location | South Atlantic Ocean, off South Africa at 34.43°S, 14.72°E |
Specimen Condition | Preserved |
Identified By | R. E. Young |
Sex | Female |
Life Cycle Stage | Immature |
View | Ventral |
Size | 30 mm ML |
Collection | USNM 884996 |
Collector | R/V Walther Herwig |
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Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
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Page: Tree of Life
Abralia siedleckyi
Authored by
. Kotaro Tsuchiya and Richard E. Young.
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- Content changed 21 January 2014
Citing this page:
Tsuchiya, Kotaro and Richard E. Young. 2014. Abralia siedleckyi http://tolweb.org/Abralia_siedleckyi/19656/2014.01.21 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/
. Version 21 January 2014 (under construction).